Under difficult circumstances due to the Corona pandemic, we had nevertheless decided – freely under the motto:

hapego plastics & Partner
A strong alliance

to present our possibilities together with our partners for the first time at Fakuma 2021 in Friedrichshafen.

It was not only nice to be able to welcome long-standing customers in person again, but we were also very pleased about the positive response and the great interest in our product possibilities.

Motivated by this success, we will of course present ourselves again at Fakuma 2023.

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Under difficult circumstances due to the Corona pandemic, we had nevertheless decided – freely under the motto:

hapego plastics & Partner
A strong alliance

to present our possibilities together with our partners for the first time at Fakuma 2021 in Friedrichshafen.

It was not only nice to be able to welcome long-standing customers in person again, but we were also very pleased about the positive response and the great interest in our product possibilities.

Motivated by this success, we will of course present ourselves again at Fakuma 2023.

Firmahapego plastics GmbH
Bestellen Beauty produkte zum besten preis bestellen online bei CosmeticWelt.com - Kosmetik günstig online kaufen. Kostenlose Lieferung. Zahlung nach Zustellung.

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